A very good day

Through my college years and early 20's, Ruth was not only my roommate, but my best friend, and partner in crime. We saw a lot of music, kissed a couple of cute (and not so cute) boys, drank a fraternity's worth of Rolling Rock, and shopped. There was a lot of shopping. Actually, there was a lot of everything in my early 20's.

20 years later we're still having (non-illegal, non-immoral, non-life-threatening) fun together. Today we went to an outdoors, Maine country auction.

It started out poorly - dark clouds, rain, wind. As the auction site was on the side of a mountain, it was damn uncomfortable, even with a tent. My feet were cold and my hair completely exploded.

Saving myself for some dress lots, I managed to resist two charming 40's portraits. And I was rewarded by winning two lots of pretty party gowns.

By mid-morning the sky began to clear (no - that is not an ad for Prius - it's the auction parking lot).

Why do auctions make me so hungry? To keep up our energy for more buying, we had hot dogs with grilled buttered buns, and a big plate of french fries (I've never seen french fries at an auction, and I think it's worthy addition to the auction menu).
The clouds broke and the sun was hot and it felt like summer again. I bid on a sock monkey and sock elephant combo (the elephant was phallic and therefore completely hysterical to me). I bid on a 40's Deco maple bureau. I bid on a black lace 30's dress. I bid on (and won) a mystery shawl - I think it's 20's, and I kind of want to keep it.

And then I bid on this lot. And won! A guy came over to "congratulate" me on winning such ugly things. I don't care. I love them. You love them too. I want to keep them. The green lady statue is embedded with rhinestones and that black "blob" in the center is actually a ballet pair.

So many decisions!


Couture Allure Vintage Fashion said...

Green lady with rhinestones? Must...see...close...up...photo.

Crock Rock and Other Inane Glories said...

Ah, the thrilling victory of the hunter/ gatherer.